Lotus Flower of Life wall tattoo- XXL Mandala Stencil
The lotus flower is widely seen and used in Hinduism and Buddhism, it is a sacred flower in these cultures that symbolizes prosperity, purity, your beauty, inner growth and enlightenment. The entire cycle from nesting the seeds to the emergence of the flower also symbolizes inner growth and the path to enlightenment.
From the darkness a pure flower emerges, untouched by the darkness from which it has found its way to the light. She lives in the light with her roots in the dark. This symbolizes human enlightenment where darkness represents the past.
That the roots always remain in the dark indicates that your past will always be there, but the contrast with the purity of the flower above the water indicates that despite (or perhaps because of) your past you can find enlightenment and you can connecting with the universe.
What does this mandala stand for
A lotus is also called the flower of life. This is an ancient metaphor that represents the interconnectedness of all lives in the universe. It is therefore no surprise that the lotus is nicknamed the 'Flower of Life'. Looking at it or attuning your meditation to it can already lead to big changes.
A mandala starts from one circle and has more and more circles around it. This creates a geometric pattern, similar to a flower. Therefore, the lotus is in associated with the mandala. This 'Flower of Life' is one of the most powerful natural symbols according to sacred geometry.
Geometry is a symbolic language that works with images instead of words. This allows information to be conveyed much more effectively and directly.
The core of the flower of life consists of seven different circles. These circles symbolize the seven days of creation. When you expand these circles outwards, a spatial figure is created. This figure is associated with a human embryo. So: geometry has to do with creation.
If more flowers are added, the flower of life is created as can be seen in Abydos (sacred city in ancient Egypt). In total, the flower of life has 19 different circles, surrounded by two larger circles. You can see the geometric figures as the intersections and centers of the seven circles, connected with lines. The seven circles form the basis for a grid pattern. This makes the geometry easier to understand and more insightful.
What will it bring to your home
With the lotus mandala on your wall you can enjoy endless peace and reflection. Experience the energy that comes from this Mandala to open yourself up for inner growth and your path to enlightenment.
Additional information
The dimensions of the stencil are 205 x 65 cm (81 x 26").
All our stencils are made of highly durable recyclable plastic on 3mm PVC. They are robust and durable and can be used anywhere, anytime. You will be able to reuse the stencil up to 3-4 times.
Pick & paint in your preferred color
The only thing you need besides the stencil is 0.25 liters of water-based paint and a way to apply the stencil. You can also opt for two Flexa testers, which are exactly enough for the mandala.
Visit our how to apply page to explore how to make a Mandala using the Mandala Stencil.
If you have a question please contact us via email: hello@mandalastencils.com.
Send us a photo of your mandala to hello@mandalastencils.com you can win a trip for 2 people to Ibiza.
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Shipped within 2-3 business days
Worldwide shipping (free in the Netherlands)
Made in Amsterdam
Een mandala maakt je bewust van oneindigheid en de verbinding met alles en iedereen om je heen. Een mandala kent geen einde en geen begin.
Wist je dat een mandala ook gebruikt wordt bij bepaalde tradities, meditaties en rituelen? Vooral het boeddhisme en het Hindoeïsme maken veel gebruik van mandala’sberoemd tooverkruid der oude Grieken, dat reeds bij Homerus door Hermes aan Odysseus als voorbehoedmiddel tegen de toovenarijeri van Circe gegeven wordt. De ital. botanici uit den tijd der Renaissance herkenden, hoogst waarschijnlijk juist, daarin een soort Allium, daar dit in Griekenland evenals in geheel Europa als het voornaamste middel beschouwd werd ter afwending van betoovering.
How To Apply Your Mandala With The Stencil
Placing your Holy mandala is very easy thanks to the stencil.
Watch the basic video on the right or check out our how to make a mandala page for a detailed explanation.
Do you have a specific surface? Check out our how-to videos page for more instructions. Can't figure it out, or do you have a question? Please contact us via email: hello@mandalastencils.com or via chat.
Download Inspiration MagazineUnique Xxl Designs
Custom designs created in Tibet and sold in Amsterdam. We are the only seller in Europe who has these specific designs.
Sustainable & Reusable
Your Mandala stencil is made from reconstituted recyclable plastic. Robust and durable, they can be used wherever and whenever you want.
Made In Amsterdam
Lasered in Amsterdam for high quality... on 3mm pvc

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- Send us a photo of your mandala to hello@mandalastencils.com
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- Post and tag your Mandal photo with #MANDALASTENCIL on Facebook and Instagram.
The next draw is on 31/12/2023.